A teenage boy experiences awkwardness and struggles to navigate the uncertainties of his sexuality after his first time with a girl doesn’t go as expected, forcing him to confront his feelings of desire for his best friend.

Starring Xavier Clyde, Chris Pearson, Nia Sondaya

12min 05sec / USA / 2021

Audience Award Winner New York City Short Film Festival, First Prize Alternative Spirit Award FLICKERS Rhode Island International Film Festival. Official Selection at Hollyshorts; Outfest Fusion; NewFest; Martha’s Vineyard African American Film Festival; Washington DC Reel Affirmations; Atlanta’s Out on Film; Pittsburgh’s Reel Q.

Sponsored by Film Independent and Project Involve 2021.


All of us are deserving of love. The same way our lungs require air, our hearts require love, our bodies require touch, and our minds require activity.

On a handful of occasions, a friend has taken me aside to "come out." My response is usually the same: I smile, I offer words of encouragement and a hug. I feel humbled to be trusted with someone’s honest emotions, but a part of me is hurt. Hurt, by a world that doesn't accept people for who they are. Hurt, by a world that marginalizes and belittles people because of difference. Hurt, by a world that forces people to hide their true face.

HARD is an emotionally affirming story about growing up, sexuality, and discovering your identity. The story is told with humor, joy, and positivity because that's what these stories should be – joyful experiences and positive memories dispelling old stereotypes and creating visions for our real world future. I hope one day, nobody feels the need to hide or "come out,” that young people can live their lives unbothered by archaic judgements or gender-biased expectations. The next generation will look at their child and say "I love you as you are.”